About the C & V8 Register 

Existing under the umbrella of the MGCC is a number of registers, which cater for special interest groups within the club. As the name suggests the C&V8 register is for those discerning individuals who have an interest in some of the greatest models that MG ever produced.

The C&V8 register is more than a register of members’ cars; it is a group of like-minded persons that hold meet regularly in a variety of events. Although organised by the elected C & V8 committee, all events are open to all club members, with all other models of MG’s welcome.

The register is about having a common interest to enjoy your car especially in your C & or V8 and as such is that part or section of the MG Car Club that caters for owner, drivers and admirers, in pursuit of that objective whether it be social, technical and or competitive of having fun, each year.

The register provides a common interest focused on enjoying the cars, with an emphasis on the C & or V8.  The register is that part or section of the MG Car Club that caters for owners, drivers and admirers, and is not restricted to those who own or drive a C or V8.  While meetings and events can be of a social, technical and or competitive nature, the main objective is to have some fun in the company of like-minded people.

The register organises each year a range of activities, which are listed in the Calendar of events for each year.  They are also advertised in the Age just prior to the event.

The highlight of the register year is the annual weekend tour during August commemorating the birthday date of the MGB-GT-V8.  Again the emphasis is on having fun and enjoyment rather than amassing a lot of points. However there is a perpetual trophy sponsored by the register based upon points for attendance at club meetings and or events attended.  To participate all that you have to do is to register your attendance by seeking out and signing the register book. The trophy is awarded annually, and is presented at the December presentation night.

Any of the committee people, or indeed any other register member will be very happy to answer any questions that you may have either on the register itself, or on the cars.

Please contact any of our committee members for more information.